Sex and Gender Section of the American Sociological Association

SEX-AND-GENDER-LOGO-FINAL-COLOR-7-9-2015-HIGH-RESThe Sex and Gender Section of the American Sociological Association is an incredible collection of sociologists studying just about every aspect of sex and gender that you can imagine.  Check out our latest newsletter for more information on who we are and what we’re doing.

The Sex and Gender Section is the largest section in the American Sociological Association. Broadly speaking, we are interested in teaching and studying organized patterns of gendered relations. This means that little is off limits to sociologists of sex and gender.  Many sociologists of sex and gender are also fascinated by aspects of gender in social life some might deem “controversial.” And we are constantly growing and examining new aspects of sex and gender throughout social life.  We embrace this controversy and see our section’s presence on social media as a part of that commitment. As both policy and practice, our aim is to support dialogue among members of the section. This does not mean that the section is officially endorsing anything and everything that is posted. Rather, we see our social media presence as providing material for dialogue and as a space within which that dialogue can occur.

See our Mission Statement and view our Section Bylaws for more information.

If you are interested in joining the section, log in to the ASA member portal and add our section to your membership. If you are not a current ASA member, you can join here.

Section on Sex and Gender
American Sociological Association
Copyright 2018